torsdag 21 februari 2019

OzCode + 3D Map (Excel) - a perfect match

I work with various GIS development. Anyone worked with GIS knows that you need to visualize data to understand what's going on. Several times I have searched for time to write a plugin to visualize geo data (coordinates) directly in Visual Studio, without going through a painful process exporting it via WKT (Well Known Text) and then import to Quantum GIS or any other suitable client.

Today it almost happened! At work we use OzCode, a truly awesome debug plugin for Visual Studio. One cool feature is exporting collections to Excel. I have used that feature from time to time in my daily work. Today, OzCode + Excel with 3D Maps made perfect match!

This is how it works.

Step 1. Export from Visual Studio

Step 2. Mark columns in Excel and insert 3d map.